Gluco Guard Sleep


(817) 525-0057


How It Works

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GlucoGuard will activate and administer glucose

GlucoGuard AI Predictive Glucose Dosing

Glucoguard’s advanced AI algorithm can anticipate anticipate low sugar (hypoglycemic episode) before it occurs, enabling proactive treatment to prevent it from happening.
If a certain threshold is reached or if the values are trending downward too quickly, GlucoGuard will activate and administer glucose over a time frame of 5 minutes. The device will then continue to monitor if the hypoglycemic episode has been corrected. If the low is corrected our device will continue to monitor the blood sugar levels.
This analysis continues throughout the sleeping period. If the user is within an acceptable range, there is no treatment and the process repeats. If the blood sugar level falls out of the primary and secondary thresholds, the device then examines the trend rate. If the rate exceeds the tolerance allowed by GlucoGuard, it will administer glucose and enter high alert mode. If the blood sugar level registers below 70 mg/dL, the device automatically administers glucose, enters high alert mode and repeats the cycle.
Why Choose Us

High alert mode has tighter tolerances and serves as the dominant safety mechanism!

The GlucoGuard consists of the retainer component that can take the form of a mouthguard as seen here, for those who grind teeth or an invisalign retainer for those who already wear a retainer while they sleep. Hermetically sealed inside the center console are a rechargeable battery, bluetooth transmitter, and microprocessor. The glucose reservoir is a detachable compartment that can be replaced to refill the device as needed.

GlucoGuard Provides:

Allows parents and caretakers to know that their loved
ones have a safety blanket while they sleep.
Utilizes existing CGM technology and custom algorithms to analyze blood sugar levels
and deliver glucose in a reactive and proactive manner.
First technology of its kind that is designed
to automatically treat hypoglycemia.
Simple design that allows customers to treat
hypoglycemia passively.